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Crawley Islamic Centre and Masjid

( CICM or Masjid )


157 London Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9TA




Version History







CICM Code of Conduct

18 Jul 2023






































Table of Contents

1. Purpose of the Document . 4

2. General Etiquette . 4

3. Summary of Actions Strictly Prohibited .. 5

4. Imam... 5

5. Attire and Cleanliness . 5

6. Announcements. 6

7. Guest Events . 6

8. Children, Sisters & Families . 6

9. Parking. 7

10. Salah Timetable, Masjid Hours and Visitation . 7

11. Masjid Pray or Worship Area Boundary . 7

12. Behaviour and Courtesy . 7

13. Conversations. 8

14. Masjid Property, Equipment & Facilities . 8

15. Lost and Found .. 8

16. Distributing, Selling, or Donation collection . 8

17. Overnight Stay . 9

18. Food and Beverages . 9

19. Smoking. 9

20. Technology Ethics . 9

21. Safety Standards . 10

22. Weapons. 10

23. Illegal Activity . 10

24. Interfaith Engagement . 10

25. Hearing Policy . 10

26. Decision and Consequences . 10

27. Affiliation: 11

28. Comments, Feedback and Complaints . 11

29. Appendices: 12

Appendix A. CICM Committee Management Principles. 12

Appendix B. Laws regarding Trustees of Masaajid and Islamic Institutes . 15

Appendix C. Definition of Roles. 16

Appendix D. Role of CICM Imam... 18

Appendix E. Guest Event Policy. 20

Appendix F. Guest Speaker Request Form (Sample View). 22

Appendix G. CICM Madrasah Students Behaviour, Disciplinary and Restraint Policy . 23

Appendix H. Treasury. 26



' بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

1.      Purpose of the Document

1.1           The CICM or Masjid Code of Conduct (including Appendices) hereby sets a certain rules and regulations in order to manage effectively and preserve the culture and integrity of the Masjid ensuring good compliance to the Shariah as well as State Law. All Muslim and/or attendees must uphold all Islamic values and conduct to the best of their abilities.

1.2           Please read these regulations carefully and always observe them. All attendees are held responsible to the observance of these regulations. In order to maximize the spiritual and educational experiences of all attendees, the CICM Committee ( Committee or Trustees ) has set forth these regulations. CICM Executive Committee reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations with and without notice at any time.

2.      General Etiquette

2.1           Every attendee shall be committed to justice and kindness.

2.2           Every attendee shall be respective and response to the needs of others where possible.

2.3           Every attendee shall refrain from raising his or her voice and from speaking offensively of others.

2.4           Every attendee, when present on the premises, shall feel responsible for cleanliness and safety of CICM Property.

2.5           No attendee shall defame any member of the society or other Muslims.

2.6           No attendee shall, by word or in writing, be discourteous to another member of the Community or attendee.

2.7           No personal attacks on the character of any Committee Member, Community Member and Imam/or Teacher shall be permitted or tolerated.

2.8           Dress modestly, sensitively, and according to Islamic etiquette.

2.9           Remove shoes before entering the prayer area and place them on the designated shoe racks in order without displacing others shoes.

2.10      Do not eat or drink in the Masjid praying area without permission of Imam and /or Executive Committee.

2.11      Be mindful of attendees and worshipers.

2.12      Minimize all conversations in the prayer areas.

2.13      Every attendee is requested to keep their children close to you at all times and minimise any disturbance and noise in the Masjid. If its unmanageable, then please take your child/children out of the praying area.

2.14      Do not block the hallways leading to the prayer areas, doorways and ablution area.

2.15      If you are the last person to leave the Masjid, please make sure you turn off the lights and fans, and make sure windows are close where applicable.

2.16      There shall be no public criticism of Imam, Teachers, or Trustees which creates chaos and divide without any cause. In case of any complaints, please follow the formal procedure.

2.17      Any complaints, suggestions or disputes shall be brought in writing to the Committee.

2.18      All suggestions shall be constructive in nature.

2.19      Brothers must make sure Sisters privacy is respected, must always lower their gaze.

3.      Summary of Actions Strictly Prohibited

These actions will be interpreted as gross misconduct.


3.1           Disturbing activities, events or services, disturbing the peace

3.2           Terrorism and racism

3.3           Physical, verbal or menta abuse of others

3.4           Inciting disruptive or riotous behaviour in the premises

3.5           Intimidating, threatening, harassing, criminal acts and/or behaviours

3.6           Improper, rude, profane language

3.7           Racial insults, derogatory ethnic slurs

3.8           Sexual advances, comments, insinuation or jokes

3.9           Display of offensive and un-islamic materials

3.10      Humiliation, ridicule, threat, or degradation of children and/or youth. Use of any disciplines that frightens or humiliates children and/or youth. Use of profanity in the presence of children and/or youth.

3.11      Physical damage to CICM property.

3.12      Removal or tempering of security systems, funds collection box or system, door hardware (locks), cameras, or intentional rendering of the property in an insecure manner.

3.13      Possession or under the influence of alcohol / illegal drugs around CICM premises.

3.14      Carrying illegal firearms.

3.15      Smoking in CICM premises.

3.16      Interference in administration by non-management or non-Committee personnel.

3.17      Collecting unauthorised money or donations of any kind individually or collectively.

3.18      Leading prayers and giving lectures unauthorised by Imam and the Executive Committee.

3.19      Sharing confidential information, misleading Public or Community members with incorrect, unverified or misguided information or interruption that could jeopardise the Community harmony and Masjid culture.

3.20      Unauthorised entry in the premises when building is closed.

3.21      Unauthorized non-religious public meetings and gatherings in the premises.

4.      Imam

4.1           Only the appointed Imam or his designate(s) can lead congregational prayers.

4.2           Only the appointed Imam or his designate(s) can coordinate activities of a religious nature.

4.3           In the absence of Imam, only Imam designated person will be allowed to lead the daily prayers.

For details on the role of Imam, refer Appendix D.

5.      Attire and Cleanliness

5.1           When visiting CICM, attendees are required to wear modest Islamic clothing. CICM requires that all attendees, members and volunteers wear attire that reflects sensitivity and respect for the Masjid. The Executive Committee and Imam reserves the right to interpret the appropriateness of all attire.

6.      Announcements

6.1           The Executive Committee must pre-approve all announcements, education programs, short talks, speech, announcement related to fundraising efforts, and other forms of public address. Only pre-approved individuals are allowed to give announcements.

6.2           Any announcement requests for Salat-ul Jummah and during Ramadan must be submitted to the Executive Committee by the prior day Maghreb Salah, where possible.

7.      Guest Events

7.1           Refer Appendix E for Guest Event Policy

8.      Children, Sisters & Families

8.1           CICM welcomes families, children, and sisters to use the Masjid facilities and they all must comply to CICM Code of Conduct.

8.2           Sister praying area is available upstairs in the Masjid. Brother must make sure Sisters privacy is maintained and respected, entry and exit areas are all clear, and brothers must avoid direct contact with any Sister or female, and always lower his gaze.

8.3           CICM occasionally organises Sisters only event and some events where both Brothers and Sisters can join by exception.

8.4           Brothers and Sisters must not intermingle and there must be a certain sequence and time for Sisters to enter in the Masjid designated area which is upstairs and Brothers to cooperate to let the Sisters exit first.

8.5           Masjid attendees must not block any Ssister s way.

8.6           Any Sister attending CICM facility to be accompanied by a Mahram where possible.

8.7           Sisters must ensure to keep the noise level minimum and must come prepared with their trusted family, friends or spouse to look after their children in a best possible way so that they can focus in the Masjid.

8.8           All Masjid attendees must comply with the Islamic Attire.

8.9           Sister in menstrual cycle must ensure that they use the area outside of the Masjid boundary. Masjid Boundary is marked, if not clear then please ask a fellow Sister.

8.10      Brothers are prohibited to enter Sisters area.

8.11      Children at the age of 16 and under must be accompanied by their Parent or Guardian. Parents or Guardians at all times must supervise their children and prevent disturbance to other attendee or Musalli or worshiper. All disruptive activities are prohibited.

8.12      CICM does not assume any liability of any attendee or family while attending Masjid.

8.13      Any Gameboy, toy, game console are not allowed. Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian, and disturbance must be minimised at all times. Failure to do so may result in the warning and if repeated then ultimately CICM removing the child and the parent from the event or the prayer area. If your child requires assistance, please exit the lecture and prayer area immediately where possible.

8.14      Masjid attendees are required to watch their child/children at all times and do not put the Committee or Imam in the difficult position of enforcing disciplinary measures against disruptive children.

8.15       CICM Committee reserves the right to charge families whose children have broken or damaged anything belonging to Masjid. CICM also reserves the right to put preventative measure in order to ensure smooth functioning of the Masjid.

If there is a matter of concern, when engagement with children under 18 years of age is necessary, then their parent must be consulted in advance to seek their consent before engaging a child, unless the child on their own misbehaving/causing damage to the premises and if it become critical to engage immediately, however still parents or guardian need to be consulted as soon as possible. Engagement with children must follow a certain procedure in a certain acceptable place.

9.      Parking

9.1           Parking is available in only designated areas.

9.2           Parking outside designated areas is not allowed.

9.3           Front couple of parking bays are reserved for Imams.

9.4           Parking near Masjid must be prioritised for People with special needs (or disabled), elderly, sisters and family.

9.5           Attendees must park responsibly without blocking a driveway, another car and must be considerate to neighbours, public parking spaces.

9.6           Attendees must adhere to State/Council parking regulations.

9.7           Driveways must be clear for emergency purposes.

9.8           All other reserved or prohibited areas must be respected.

9.9           Overnight parking is prohibited and only allows in exceptional circumstances. However, this requires approval of the Executive Committee. Vehicles parked illegally or parked overnight without prior approval will be towed at owner s expense and may be reported to local police.

9.10      The Committee reserves the right to take all necessary steps against individuals who violate, ignore or disrespect parking conditions.

10.   Salah Timetable, Masjid Hours and Visitation

10.1      There is a structured Salah timetable to be issued every month in advance. The 5 daily prayers times change monthly and are announced ahead of time.  The call to prayer (Adhan) will be done 10 15 minutes before prayer starts depending on the prayer of the day.

10.2      The Masjid will be closed 30 minutes after the Fardh Salah unless there is a program organised by the Masjid Imams and/or Committee.

10.3      Meeting with Imams and CICM committee should be pre planned in advanced as per the availability of the parties involved.

11.   Masjid Pray or Worship Area Boundary

11.1      There is a designated Masjid Pray or Worship Area boundary is allocated, if not clear please ask a Committee Member or Imam.

12.   Behaviour and Courtesy

12.1      All attendees are held to the highest standards of respectful conduct.

12.2      Physical or verbal abuse of any attendee at the CICM or Masjid is strictly forbidden (including loud argument).

12.3      Attendees found in violation of this will be asked by the Committee or Imam to comply with the CICM Code of Conduct. If the attendee refuses to comply, the Committee or Imam may ask the disruptive attendee to leave the premises.

12.4      Repetitive violators of this Code are subject to being banned from the CICM.

13.   Conversations

13.1      Please keep conversations to a minimum inside the Masjid boundary.

13.2      All general meeting and greeting should be done outside of the Masjid boundary area.

13.3      All electronics and mobile phones must be placed on silent mode in the CICM at all times. Repeated violation of this rule is not only a flagrant disrespect of the Masjid Sanctity, but also disturbs other worshippers.

13.4      The Masjid is designated for prayers, supplication, lectures and CICM-sponsored events. At no time shall the Masjid be the locus for religious debate and argumentation.

13.5      The CICM adopts a zero-tolerance towards the violation of the Masjid Sanctity with debate and argumentation on religious, personal or political topics.

14.   Masjid Property, Equipment & Facilities

14.1      Exercise care when you use any equipment, facility or items belonging to the CICM or Masjid.

14.2      All properties and items belonging to the CICM should not be moved or removed from the CICM premises.

14.3      Do not remove any Quran, book or any education or praying related material from the Masjid. Return all Quran, books, and other educational materials to its designated locations. The Committee declines donations of all written materials, except with express written approval from the Imam. If you need a personal copy of the Quran, contact one of the Committee members or Imam.

14.4      Destruction or malfunction of items and equipment is the responsibility of the user. The Committee has a right to demand payment to replace the item and will contact local authorities if necessary.

14.5      Do not tamper with any equipment of the CICM. This includes, but is not limited to the lighting facilities, sound system, cameras, multimedia, microphone equipment, locks, doors, setup of furniture, or any property.

15.   Lost and Found

15.1      For lost and found, please contact the one of the Committee members or CICM WhatsApp number. CICM Committee will try their best to assist. The Committee is not liable for any personal losses or damages.

16.   Distributing, Selling, or Donation collection

16.1      No individual is allowed to distribute or sell on the premises of the CICM which includes the parking lot, unless approved by the Executive Committee. CICM does not allow individuals to distribute anything without the express permission of the Executive Committee. This includes, but is not limited to the selling or the distribution of paraphernalia, literature, pamphlets, flyers, books, brochures, advertisement, goods, food, etc.

16.2      All donation collection effort on the Masjid premises must be pre-authorized by the Executive Committee. Any unauthorized donation collection boxes will be promptly removed. All funds collected in the Masjid premises must be processed through the CICM accounting.

16.3      Please use the collection bin at the main car park entrance for all clothing /shoes that are being donated. Otherwise, please don t leave any contribution in forms of clothes/shoes/home goods in any other CICM premises unless we have an organised initiative. We will not agree to handle such contribution unless arranged with concerned organisations.

16.4      Donations should only be given through the CICM prescribed methods like Collection Boxes, Electronic Payment System and Forms.

17.   Overnight Stay

17.1      Other than the yearly Ramadan Itikaf, the CICM Committee does not allow any individual or group to stay overnight inside or outside of the CICM without the explicit approval of the Executive Committee for groups like Tableeghi Jama at. All relevant rules and regulations apply. 

17.2      Any approved individual(s), making an overnight stay are responsible for the cleanliness of the CICM premises.

18.   Food and Beverages

18.1      The CICM does not allow food and beverages to be brought from the outside without prior arrangements and approval of the Executive Committee. No food is allowed to bring into the designated praying area.

18.2      Where authorisation is given, only Halal meat should be served and preferably HMC certified. All candies, chocolates, drinks and snacks must be Halal.

18.3      While Masjid does provide refreshments to attendees from time to time, all individuals are requested to be responsible and aware of the food content offered in the CICM. If you are allergic to any food or chemicals, please notify the Committee and Imam. CICM will make sure that your safety is first addressed. CICM is not responsible for any medical related allergies or accidents resulting from the negligence of attendees.

18.4      In the event where food is offered or sold at the CICM premises, vendors or providers must furnish adequate information to prevent food allergies. Failure to do so could result in banning of the provider. CICM is not liable for the food sold by any vendors.

19.   Smoking

19.1      There is a no smoking facility.  Smoking is not permitted in and around CICM premises (including parking area).

20.   Technology Ethics

20.1      Please observe mobile phone etiquette in the Masjid. Mobile phones and electronics should be placed on SILENT mode. Mobile phone conversations are not permitted in the Masjid.

20.2      For a media related filming and photography, please contact the Chairman for an appointment and permission.

20.3      Filming or video recording and photography is not permitted during worship, sermon/talks and/or education session(s).

20.4      Internet browsing is not allowed until and unless it is absolutely necessary. Individuals who view unacceptable materials online will be asked to leave.

20.5      At no time shall attendees bring TVs, DVD players, game consoles, or any entertainment equipment into the CICM except with express permission from the Executive Committee and Imams.

20.6      The internet shall be reserved for educational purposes only.

20.7      Kids should not be allowed to use the wireless Internet in the Masjid. The parent is responsible for any technology or internet usage by their children.

20.8      Only where necessary, after approval. all internet usage must be used for appropriate, halal and educational purposes. Listening of music or browsing inappropriate websites are not tolerated. The Executive Committee and Imams reserves the right to interpret the nature of appropriate Halal and educational purposes.

21.   Safety Standards

21.1      CICM meets all fire codes and other safety standards approved by the local authority and fire service.

21.2      The Committee assumes no liability arising from injuries sustained on the CICM premises.

21.3      All attendees are responsible for their personal belongings and health.

22.   Weapons

22.1      Weapons and ammunition (including any sharp object) are safety hazards. No weapons are permitted at any time. All violations of this will be reported to the police immediately without exception.

23.   Illegal Activity

23.1      Any illegal activity by any individual or group will be reported immediately to the Police.  Any unknown or unattended packages will be removed from the CICM premises or turned over to law enforcement if necessary.  No personal items should be left outside or inside the CICM.

24.   Interfaith Engagement

24.1      CICM encourages constructive interfaith dialogue where possible. Approval for any interfaith engagement on CICM behalf must be sought by the CICM Executive Committee and Head Imam, any event taking place not approved by the CICM Executive Committee and Imams will be dispersed of and if necessary will be reported to the local authorities.

25.   Hearing Policy

25.1      The Executive Committee will be hearing and deciding body to enforce this Code of Conduct and associated Appendices. If the accused is a Committee Member and/or an appointed responsible person, and if the violation is determined as a Gross Misconduct, then he/ she could be disqualified.

25.2      In the event of an incident or dispute, a thorough investigation will be conducted which will include hearings from both parties and their witnesses. If it is deemed necessary for Community harmony and Masjid Culture, any relevant person (attendee, Committee Member and Imam) can be questioned.

25.3      The proceedings will be recorded in the minutes of the exceptional Committee Meetings dedicated for the case. The Executive Committee must consult with the Imams and other Committee Members, the decision of the Executive Committee will be final.

26.   Decision and Consequences

26.1      Failing to adhere to the CICM Code of Conduct can result in disciplinary action. CICM Committee will endeavour to convince the violator politely to adhere to the rules and regulations of the CICM. Ultimately, CICM Committee reserves the rights to take appropriate action.

26.2      Following are the consequences of violating the CICM Code of Conduct and associated Appendices:

o   First breach: Verbal reproach and an informal written warning.

o   Second breach: a formal written warning.

o   Third breach: Revocation of CICM privileges until a set period.

26.3      In case of any egregious behaviour or gross misconduct that threatens or risks the security and/or harmony of the Community and/or the facility, the Executive Committee reserves the right to immediately expel the wrongdoer and bar him/her from entering CICM property or attending CICM sponsored activities.

27.   Affiliation:

27.1      CICM is neither affiliated with any institution or body nor any other institution or body is affiliated with CICM.

28.   Comments, Feedback and Complaints

28.1      CICM Committee welcomes any constructive questions, feedback, comments, complaints and suggestions. Feedback and questions may be directed via WhatsApp to Masjid Number (that is preferred) or email to email or visit the CICM website at . Please submit these in writing to the Committee or Imam making sure to include your contact information (name, email and phone number).

28.2      Report all suspicious activities to the Committee or Imam. The Committee appreciates anonymous tips on any infringements of the aforementioned regulations.

28.3      The Committee reserves the right to take all necessary steps against individuals who infringe upon these regulations.


29.  Appendices:


Appendix A.        CICM Committee Management Principles



Management principles herein outline the appropriate behaviour of the CICM Committee Members (collectively Members or Trustees , or a Member or Trustee ) and Volunteers.

Following principles apply to all our Committee Members regardless of their rank or job title.

1.      Each Trustee must read and bound to comply CICM Code of Conduct and Laws regarding Trustees of Masaajid and Islamic Organisations and Institutes (a copy is appended here in Appendix B).

2.      Each Trustee is a sane, adult, free, mature and modest practising Muslim Male with good religious understanding and adhere to a good Islamic attire.

3.      Each Trustee must protect Masjid s legality. They should comply with all environmental, safety and fair dealing laws either being Shariah law or State law.

4.      Trustee must be ethical and responsible when dealing with Masjid s finances, products (e.g. Books, Stationery), Partners and Neighbours.

5.      Each Trustee must safeguard the public image of the CICM.

6.      Each Trustee should treat Masjid s Property (whether material or intangible), with respect and care. For any necessary, noble and/or unavoidable community cause if any Trustee need access of the Property (provided the property is not Waqf to the Masjid), then a request to be communicated in writing for a consent by at least three (3) Trustees. After the access or use of a property belonging, then it must be put back to the same spot in a same order. Please note that Waqf property to the Masjid must stay in Masjid for Masjid use.

7.      Each Trustee should respect all kinds of incorporeal property. This includes trademarks, copyright and other property (information, reports etc.)

8.      Each Trustee is expected to avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder his capability or willingness to perform his duties.

9.      A certain Trustee will be designated for a particular task or tasks. Once a responsibility or action is assigned with an agreed target date, then an assigned Trustee must report back the progress made in a timely manner to the Committee. If an assigned trustee is unable to complete a task due to some unavoidable or unfortunate circumstances (e.g. serious illness, family, work or personal emergency), then an assigned trustee must inform the Chairman or Executive Committee. In that case Committee will see if a target date could be rescheduled and/or a task to be reassigned. Unassigned Trustees are not allowed to takeover a task or action until and unless duly consented by an assigned trustee, Chairman and/or Executive Committee.

10.  There is a decision-making process for strategic initiatives such as Building Construction, Extension, Rental, Buy/Sell of the Property, Events/or Programs or any initiative using the Masjid Platform (internal and external). Note that the list is not exhaustive.

a)      For strategic decision making, each area of management will have Designated Leads ( DLs ) among Trustees such as Education, Building related, Maintenance, Events, Finance/Treasury, Dispute Resolution (list is not exhaustive).

b)     DLs will be assigned based on their skills, willingness, credibility and experience of the management area.

c)      All members and volunteers are required to support DLs or create a support network to enable them to carry on or complete their task effectively and efficiently.

d)     Chairman and DLs to consult with the Executive Committee for any decision making which could have an impact on Masjid s integrity (includes legality and sanctity).

11.  Strategic decision-making process:

e)      Strategic concerns (or special resolution) raised by Trustees (e.g. Dispute, Appointment, Dismissal) and Community Members will follow a special resolution process.

f)       A Trustee or Community Member will consult with the Executive Committee, a specific case will be put forward to discuss.

g)      A case where at least one of the Executive Committee Members is an alleged Defendant, then a Sub-Committee will be formed through a voting process within Committee Members.

h)     False allegations without any evidence and witnesses will not be tolerated. Brothers must always endeavour to maintain the peace and harmony until and unless it is absolutely necessary to safeguard Deen/Faith and Masjid.

i)       Case should have a defined purpose, expected outcome and expected support required.

j)       Executive or Sub-Committee (where applicable) will review and organise a voting process accordingly with Committee Members or Trustees.

k)      At least +70% of the Trustees should vote, and voting for a decision with +54% or more favouring a certain proceeding or decision will be considered for a final review.

l)       Executive or Sub Committee (where applicable) reserves the right to consult with the Imam(s) on religious matters, and for their consent regarding Shariah compliance.

m)   If one of the Imams does not agree on Shariah compliance, then a case will be reviewed again if it is necessary for an external consulting with an established Mufti on by exception on case-by-case basis for a very critical issue. In such cases, a third opinion will be consulted through an established Mufti.

n)     Ultimately Executive or Sub Committee (where applicable) reserves a right to make a final decision.

12.  To fulfil any vacancy, an appointment should be through a proper recruitment process with the vacancies mentioned on the Masjid notice board and announced on the first Jummah of every month (i.e. once a month only). Resume or Bio should be invited for the roles and a panel of Executive Committee, and one additional person most closely assigned to the role will shortlist and evaluate the candidates. Strategic decision-making process will trigger, and the candidates would be generally vetted as well.

13.  All Trustees should be friendly and collaborative and must endeavour to add a value to Masjid tasks. They should try not to disrupt or present obstacles.

14.  A Trustee is required to come to the Masjid at least once a day.

15.  In sensitive matters, a Trustee will not act on his own without an action assigned duly in the Committee meeting or by a Strategic decision-making process.

16.  If a Trustee is absent from two (2) consecutive Committee meetings without any advance notification, and/or regularly delayed in meetings without any notification or a valid reason, and/or not collaborative or helpful in meetings then a strategic decision making process will be initiated. Strategic decision-making process team will reserve the right for course correction in order to maintain the discipline.

17.  If there is a matter of concern, when engagement with children under 18 years of age is necessary, then their parent must be consulted in advance to seek their consent before engaging a child, unless the child on their own misbehaving/causing damage to the premises and if it become critical to engage immediately, however still parents or guardian need to be consulted as soon as possible. Engagement with children must follow a certain procedure in a certain acceptable place.

18.  Each Trustee must have some credentials and relevant experience to deal with CICM matters.

19.  Although all Trustees are equal, however, Members will be judged based on their positive contributions and conduct (both tangible and intangible) towards the Masjid and CICM Committee.

20.  Each Trustee understand that sensitive matters discussed in the Committee must not be discussed outside of the Committee (until and unless it is strategically decided to Publish for a good cause). Each Trustee must work his best to prevent animosity, division or any negative environment in the Community.

21.  The Masjid may have to take disciplinary action against members who repeatedly fail to follow or comply CICM Code of Conduct and Laws regarding Trustees of Masaajid and Islamic Organisations and Institutes . Disciplinary actions will vary depending on the violation. Possible consequences include:

a)      Demotion.

b)     Formal Reprimand.

c)      Suspension or termination for more serious offences.



Appendix B.        Laws regarding Trustees of Masaajid and Islamic Institutes



Appendix C.        Definition of Roles

All CICM roles are working as a servant of Allah ربُّ الْعِزَّت and all Community members make donations only for Allah ربُّ الْعِزَّت which doesn t render the proprietary right over Masjid to do whatever as one wishes or desire personally.

1.      Committee Member: A regular, qualified and skilled Trustee who is assigned a role to meet CICM objectives, actively participates and positively acts on the committee initiatives, provides constructive inputs in the Committee meetings, and endeavour to be a source of convenience and unity.

2.      Volunteer: A willing and positive Muslim person who is keen to support CICM objectives, and actively helps as per Committee directions. A Volunteer does not attend Committee meetings and /or influence the decision-making process, however provided constructive inputs to help.

3.      Imam: A fully qualified, experienced, and consistent scholar ( Maulana ) by an established and accountable institution, who leads prayers, gives sermons, educates, advises, and guides community on Quran and Sunnah. Imam is a religious leader, strictly follows the teaching of the Quran and practice of the Sunnah, acts as an authority on Shariah compliance, and safeguards the Islamic/Religious culture in and outside of the Masjid. For details, refer Appendix D.

4.      Chairman: A Lead Committee Trustee elected by the Committee to represent CICM, chair committee meetings, owns decision making and manage CICM activities.

5.      Secretary: A Committee Trustee, act as an aide to the Chairman, assists in keeping minutes of the Committee meetings; assist in general affairs and track compliance. The role takes care and manages CICM associated letters and the documents and assists in dealing with external affairs or permissions where necessary.

6.      Education Lead: A Committee Trustee, leads the Madrasah or Maktab education process, oversee the approach to induction, education and teaching that is being provided at the Masjid. The role assesses the curriculum and the format in which it is being delivered and review the accompanying tools and resources. Also, vets guest events for education purposes in consultation with Executive Committee, facilitates children, teacher and parent engagement process, Madrasah conduct and associated dispute resolutions.

7.      Project Lead: A Committee Trustee, leads CICM projects related to construction, extension, and refurbishment. The role engages contractors, manages tenders, contracts and associated communications and deliverables. Provides guidance on facilities maintenance activities, provide inputs for guest speaker events and assist in mediation where required.

8.      General Counsel : A Committee Trustee, act as an advisor on organisational and cultural governance. Assist in developing policies, dispute resolution and maintaining the order in CICM, provides guidance on governance process and strategic engagement principles.

9.      Treasurer: A Committee Trustee, who leads the strategic and operational responsibility for the financial management of the Masjid. The role has a handle on income and expenditure control, monitor cash flow, prepare statutory returns to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), advise on investments and prepare annual accounts for audit.

10.  Facilities Maintenance Lead (including House): A Committee Trustee, leads on facilities maintenance related activities such as health and safety, cleaning/ clearance services, parking, upkeep or replacement of malfunctioned parts/accessories and property, and coordinate with utility services.

11.  Fund Raising & External Communications Lead: A Committee Trustee, leads fund raising activities for the CICM, develop fundraising case and associated communications, organise fundraising events, manage communications and engage sponsors while maintaining Masjid Principles and/or Code of Conduct.

12.  Day-to-Day Funds Handling Officer: A Committee Trustee, who support Treasurer and manages the day-to-day administration of the Masjid's financial transactions, cash deposits, and keep traceable records for audit trail.

13.  Sports Lead: A Committee Trustee, responsible for organising sports, fitness or recreational activities and associated engagements in consultation with the Executive Committee and Imams.

14.  Executive Committee: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and General Counsel (optional) are Executive Committee. Each Lead or a role will work with the Chairman and/or Executive Committee.

All roles must endeavour to be a source of convenience and unity complying to CICM Code of Conduct and Management Principles stated herein.

Appendix D.        Role of CICM Imam

1.      CICM must have appoint a regular day-to-day full time, rightly guided Imam(s) of Ehle-Sunnah Wal-Jama at. CICM has been (historically, currently and primarily) following Hanafi Fiqh, which is the Masjid Fiqh, however attendees of the Masjid are diversified from all school of thoughts with care and love for each other.

2.      Imam must be a sane, adult, free, mature male and a practicing Sunni Muslim and respect Masjid Code of Conduct.

3.      Regular Imam must be an Aalim (Scholar) from a registered, established and accountable institution.

4.      Imam must have at least three (3) references from established scholars.

5.      If someone is an Imam, it does not entitle his son to the same. Since Imamat is not a legacy, the most competent and deserving person should be appointed. The following are the essential requirements for an Imam.

6.      He must follow a traditional Islamic attire of an Imam.

7.      He should be well versed in relevant Masaa il pertaining to Imamat and Salaah.

8.      He must have mastered Tajweed rules (to facilitate correct recitation or Qira at in salaah).

9.      He should adhere to the Faraaidh, Waajibaat, Sunnah and Mustahabaat.

10.  He must refrain from Haraam and Makroohaat.

11.  He must always protect the Sunnah practice and Quranic teachings to the best of his ability.

12.  He must be patient, eloquent, welcoming, thankful and make sure Islam is represented well for harmony, peace and nurturing of the community.

13.  He must establish, drive and manage an evening and/or weekend Maktab or Madrasah.

14.  If the correct choice of an Imam cannot be made, a reliable A alim along with Executive Committee should be asked to interview a potential candidate. To use only a beautiful voice as a yard-stick in choosing an Imam is not permissible. However, if together with the above essential requirements, the Imam also possesses a beautiful voice then this will be an added asset.

15.  Once the right Imam has been appointed, due respect must be shown to him. He must not be considered as a subordinate of the Committee and Community. He is the religious leader and should be followed. Such a salary should be stipulated for him to enable him to lead a decent and peaceful life.

16.  When the Imam stands up to reform the masses, it is incumbent upon the Committee and Community Members to cooperate and collaborate and assist him to achieve his religious goal.

17.  When the Committee or any sincere Community Member stands up to initiate a good cause and reform the masses, and if it is compliant to Shariah providing a means of harmony and peace, then it is incumbent upon the Imam to jointly cooperate and collaborate to achieve the noble goal.

18.  In the event of the ignorant public raising unconstructive objections and undue criticism against the Imam with a disrespectful behaviour. It is the duty of the Committee and Community Members to stop them, engage them and made them aware of their action and consequences.

19.  The Committee and Community Members should never interfere in the Imam s I baadat, lectures and religious services.

20.  Imam must protect Masjid s legality. He should comply with all environmental, safety and fair dealing laws (both Shariah law and State law).

21.  If any Imam does anything contrary to the Shariah and State Law or introduces innovations, then he can be dismissed.

22.  Imam must refrain from using his position or mimbar for personal material gains.

23.  Imam will respect his peers, Committee and Community Members confidentiality, and will refrain from making Public statements that could cause animosity, toxic culture and divide.


Appendix E.         Guest Event Policy


1.      For any event, local Crawley Ulema must be prioritised and leveraged first for better Community bonding and coherence. Only well renowned and established guest speakers can be considered (see #3 for details below) if its exceptional and value-add purpose is defined and agreed through a structured Process defined below.

2.      Four (4) slots in a year will be allocated for the Guest Speaker once a Quarter. Slots can be allocated either via approved request from an active member of the Community and/or CICM Committee.

3.      Guest speaker ( The Speaker ) must be a sane, free, adult male expert and experienced religious practitioner of Deen-e-Islam, a well-established Scholar or Speaker educated and/or experienced with an established accountable institution and well renowned for his speeches about connecting Ummah with Quran and Sunnah without any controversial background.

4.      Topic of a talk will only be focused on religious motivation (not Fiqhi Masail or intricate Sharia compliance matters) to inspire to become a good practising Muslim regarding the improvement areas as follows:

a.      Connecting with Allah ربُّ الْعِزَّت and Quran

b.     Following and adhering to Sunnah

c.      Connecting with Masjid and Imams, attending Jama at and participating Masjid activities on a regular basis

d.     Motivating others to come to Masjid.

e.      Positive thinking, brotherhood/unconditional religious and social bonding

f.       Respect Parents, Family/Relatives, Fellow Muslims and Non Muslims, Neighbourhood

g.      Etiquettes of an exemplary Muslim (patience, compromise, collaboration, forgiveness, patching up, respect).

h.      Focused periodical topics; such as Ramadan, Hajj.

i.       Mental & Emotional Well-being.

5.      Any vulgar, violence, crime, political, sectarian, hatred, personal related talk is prohibited.

6.      A request must be made for a Nominee at least 5 weeks in advance via a Guest Speaker Request Form (Refer Form in Appendix F). One request at a time will be treated. If Speaker has a limited availability, then exceptions can be considered on a case by case basis. CICM committee will do its best, however cannot guarantee the timely response as all members are volunteering tirelessly, and it is important to have a transparent and compliant execution of the process. We understand our Community Members are passionate, and therefore request not to create panic and stay positive.

7.      Only request made by Crawley Community Member, Imams or CICM Committee will be considered ( Requester ).

8.      Requester(s) must be over 18 years of age, active in Masjid in daily prayers, have a good behaviour conduct and a practical volunteer helping in the upkeep of the Masjid, Fund Collections, participating in Masjid activities and attracting others/peers to attend Masjid. CICM committee is not bound to accept any or all requests if the requester doesn t fit in to the criteria as stated here.

9.      Purpose of the event and expected output must be clearly defined.

10.  The Speaker Nominee Request Must be voted by 4 main Teachers (Head Imam Ustad Maulana Nabeel, Imam Ustad Maulana Abdus-Samad, Ustad Maulana Suhail and Ustad Hafiz Jawwad), Education Lead and Executive Committee. At least +70% should vote; and voting for a decision with +60% or more favouring a certain proceeding or decision will be considered for a final review by Executive Committee and Education Lead. In case where no one vote, then it will be considered as no objection.

11.  Consensus of the Executive Committee, Education Lead and Ustads is critical.

12.  Only by exception, if there is deadlock in decision making situation, then another senior Scholar outside of CICM (but within Crawley) will be consulted along with the CICM Imams accordingly.

13.  Executive Committee and Education Lead reserves the right for a final go-ahead keeping the Safeguarding of the Deen-e-Islam, Sanctity, Community Coherence, Discipline and Management of the Masjid in mind, all members must respect the decision and cooperate accordingly.

14.  Executive Committee and Education Lead to provide transparency on the reason for rejection where applicable.

15.  The Requester, Guest Speaker and or group responsible for conducting the event will abide by CICM Code of Conduct, any policies/rules and regulations, local and state law.

16.  Any event violating CICM Code of Conduct, Shariah law, and/or applicable local/state laws will not be permitted.

17.  Any activity, event by person or group that may harm, threaten or endanger any other individual or group will not be tolerated. Such an individual will be appropriately reprimanded up to and including expulsion from the Masjid.

18.  Any illegal activity by any individual or group will be reported immediately to law enforcement agencies.

19.  No Masjid property/item (including chairs, tables and books) can be borrowed, moved, or rearranged without prior approval from the Committee and Imam.

20.  The Requester will collaborate with CICM Committee in the organisation of the Guest Speaking Event and provide volunteers to help on event management activities as per CICM Committee guidance, Guest Event Policy and an overall CICM Code of Conduct.

21.  The Requestor and Guest Speaker assumes full responsibility for the liability of any statement and/or activity carried out during the event and/or by affiliated group member. Opinions expressed therein are not endorsed by CICM Committee and Imams.

22.  The requestor or responsible party will be responsible for clean-up, fixing any damages to CICM property and leaving the property as found.

23.  Policy concerning Sisters, Children and Family, Parking, Food and Beverages, Facilities, Equipment, overall conduct as stipulated in the CICM Code of Conduct must be considered for any Event.

Appendix F.         Guest Speaker Request Form (Sample View)


The form to be filled and submitted to the Education Lead.

Appendix G.        CICM Madrasah Students Behaviour, Disciplinary and Restraint Policy


At Crawley Islamic Centre & Masjid, as well as offering the highest level of education, we take pride in our system of creating disciplined, well mannered, well behaved young citizens carrying the highest level of morals and character. We aim to encourage pupils to behave in ways that are Islamically and socially acceptable and teach them to understand the rights of others.

The Prophet Muhammad has said

وَخَالِقِ النَّاسَ بِخُلُقٍ حَسَنٍ

And deal with the people with good character. (Tirmidhi)

Every measure is taken through advising, reprimanding, and where necessary sanctioning, whenever students fall below required standards.

Our Approach

  • We require all staff, volunteers and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating pupils, parents and one another with respect, friendliness, care and courtesy
  • We familiarise new staff and volunteers with the behaviour policy via our induction process
  • We work in partnership with pupil s parents. Parents will be regularly informed when there are breaches.


Strategies with pupils who engage in inconsiderate behaviour

  • We require all staff to use positive strategies of handling any inconsiderate behaviour, by helping pupils find solutions in ways which are appropriate for the pupil s ages and stages of development. Such solutions might include, for example, explanation as to what was not acceptable and supporting pupils to gain control over their feelings to enable them to respond appropriately in situations.
  • We commend pupils on good behavior by rewarding them with certificates and trophies.
  • Rewards such as granting certificates or gifts should be consistent in order to maintain a substantial link between good work/deeds and the rewards.
  • Rewards should not take the form of any intimate type of physical contact e.g., hugging, under any circumstances
  • We never use any form of physical punishment.
  • When pupils behave in inconsiderate ways, we help them understand the outcome of their actions by talking to them and explaining the consequences of such behaviour.
  • We do not use techniques intended to single out and humiliate the pupil.
  • We require staff to recognize the need to maintain a balance between the granting of rewards and the imposing of sanctions to instill a sense of pleasant co-existence.


Minor Errors

When a student falls below the standard of the Madrasah s expectations without causing harm to another student, teacher, it is termed as a minor error. Though these offences are minor in nature, we believe they have a great effect on the purpose that the pupils attend the Madrasah. Hence, it is essential that such offences are not taken lightly, and students are held to account e.g. continuous lateness, not learning lessons, incomplete homework etc.

Such type of offences, as far as possible are dealt with by:

First of all encouraging the pupil to improve in this area by highlighting the benefits and loss.

If no improvement is made:

1st Step Write the comment/complaint in the homework diary and have it signed by childs parent/guardian

2nd Step (same as first)

3rd Step (same as first)

(Detention can be given as a means of punishment according to the age and capability of the child in all 3 attempts)

Detentions will take place on a Thursday, weekly. The duration of detention will be 20min. This is subject to change due to the type and repetition of the offence.

Work set during a detention:

        Should be worthwhile and be of adequate duration.


        Could be remedial e.g. copying up missed work, doing missing homework. Completing reinforcement exercises.

Written notification will be given to the parent explaining the reason for the detention and parents should return this signed. In the event it is not signed the detention will still stand, however out of courtesy a telephone call or a text will be given.

Only on the 4th step the student may be referred to the Headteacher.

         If a student purposely and continuously ignores carrying out disciplinary measures, this can lead to suspension and possibly expulsion by the decision of the Headteacher.

Major Errors

A major error is where a student makes a breach of the Madrasah s code of conduct or is found guilty of causing verbal or physical harm to a fellow student, teacher or member of staff or causing damage to the Madrasah in anyway. Though this is very rare, certain powers have been put in place to counter any such cases. A major error, depending on its exact nature, can lead to expulsion.

        Contravening the code of conduct.

        Leaving the premises without permission.

        Bullying and Harassment.

        The use of bad language.

        Endangerment to students, teacher and staff.

        Intended damage to property.

        Continuous underperforming in studies despite having no learning disabilities.


The above are just a few possible examples. Every situation will be assessed carefully and handled on an individual basis. If the Madrasah feels any action or behaviour to be a means of harm to the Madrasah, students or staff then the Headteacher has the right to take the decision of expulsion at any time during the academic year.

Students Right

The Madrasah exercises a strict policy of innocent until proven guilty . Though responsible members of staff hold position of responsibility and powers over students they are all answerable to Allah Ta ālā . Hence, every decision is taken with the prospect of answering to the Creator. Unfair treatment of any student will result in caution in the afterlife, which every member of staff is aware of and continually reminded through staff meetings.

Thus, matters are dealt with fairness and justice and the student is given the right and chance to fully explain their part of any incident before any disciplinary action can be taken.

Who can carry out sanctions

Only the Madrasah staff has the right to carry out sanctions.

No students are given the power to administer any disciplinary measures on behalf of teachers or staff. Staff members are also strictly prohibited from making any pupil carry out any form of punishment on another pupil.

However, every student is encouraged to report to the teachers regarding any action or behaviour of a fellow student which goes against the Madrassah s ethos or standard of acceptable behaviour.


We only use physical restraint, such as holding, (AS A LAST RESORT) to prevent physical injury to pupils or adults and/or serious damage to property.

In the rare case of where physical intervention is required, staff must ensure this is done through reasonable and non-injurious means.



Appendix H.        Treasury

The treasury department will comprise:

1.      Financial Management : The treasury team is responsible for managing the mosque's finances and ensuring proper financial controls are in place. Specific duties would include developing and implementing financial policies and procedures in relation to the mosque expenses, overseeing budgeting and forecasting for the construction project and monitoring monthly cash flow.

2.      Accounting and Reporting : Treasury team will oversee the mosque s accounting functions, ensuring accurate and timely month end and financial year end reporting. This involves maintaining proper accounting records, preparing financial statements, and complying with relevant accounting standards and regulations.

3.      Cash Management : The treasury team is often for managing the organization's cash and liquidity. This includes monitoring Friday and other events (such as EID) cash collections, bank balances, forecasting cash needs and optimizing cash utilization between the construction, Current, House and Educational bank accounts.

4.      Financial Planning : Treasury team will contribute to the mosque s financial planning and decision-making processes (e.g. recruitment of new imam s with specific inputs around salaries, recruitment of new madrasa teachers or other support staff required for mosque or house related tasks).

Key controls and processes:

5.      Two people from the treasury team should count the Friday collections and sign off the collection receipt by the following Saturday.

6.      All expenses above 50 will need approval of the treasurer and another member of the executive team. The approval be it in the form of email or message should be attached to the relevant invoice or associated transaction paperwork.

7.      No cash will be paid for any expenses other than petty cash.

8.      No one will pay out of their pocket for any mosque related costs and expense it later. The mosque has sufficient people with access to bank accounts that all purchases above 50 should be done via the bank accounts.

9.      The chairman, treasurer and the secretary should be the only three approved signatories for the bank accounts.

10.  All payments will require two approved signatories.

11.  All fee collections for the Madrasah should be deposited in the education account. It is the responsibility of the Education lead to ensure the process is implemented.

12.  Madrasah teachers (excluding the Imams) salaries should be deducted from the education account.

13.  All rent collection should go to the house account.

14.  All house related expenses such as council tax and utilities should be deducted from the house account. A Lead Committee Member should be designate for the House related Maintenance and Upkeep, who should be contact person for all suppliers to the house.

15.  All monthly cash flows should be presented by the end of the second week of the following month.

[Remaining controls and policies in progress ]



وَمَا عَلَيۡنَآ إِلَّا ٱلۡبَلَٰغُ ٱلۡمُبِينُ

And Allah Knows Best! الله أعلم

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